We put people first.” This is not just an expression here at InVision. This is a way of life. A day-to-day practice and core belief at our organization. Putting people first is a centric approach that prioritizes the people we support, families, and employee’s needs above all else to deliver satisfaction in the day-to-day lives here internally and externally. The positive impact and people-first approach we believe in has proven to lead all involved in everyday lives, better health, happiness, engagement, strength, positive reputation and improved retention to surround all involved with success and growth every day.

InVision has a commitment to placing people at the center of our decision making. This guiding principle has created an infectious culture where all feel appreciated, respected and cared for. This way of life has become the forefront of individual success in all areas. Here at InVision, we equip the hearts of the people we support with the resources, education and autonomy necessary for their success and overall well-being.
Personally, I have had the pleasure of witnessing this success for close to five years now. I have been a part of many ups and downs that are guaranteed in any situation. Through the years I have been a part of sacrifices, loss, painful times and hardships. The overall majority today deems these hardships enough to cast a negative cloud around oneself and those around them. I sit here proud to be a part of an organization that can overcome the hard times, an organization that stands strong in the beliefs of their guiding principles and putting people first. Here at InVision, we understand that not everything can be 50/50. We come with the common knowledge that if we treat everything in a 50/50 mindset, one day we will have to decide against another, it is inevitable.
Putting people first and holding them most valuable allows the pathway of never having to decide against the people.
To truly believe in a core value, one must practice those values and have tangible evidence that it works. This is the humility we all must face when embracing strong culture and positive change. In my opinion, putting people first has never failed or come up short against a way of life. During my time here at InVision I have been a part of many success stories for those we support. Putting people first has resulted in better health, happiness, relationships, reuniting family, achieving goals and in some cases making the wildest of dreams come true.

Putting people first must also be directed to our employees to achieve the overall effect of success for the people we support. It is my strong belief that if my colleagues and peers are not happy, appreciated, respected and cared for then I cannot expect the same for those we support. Putting people first is a direct reflection that must be used with everyone throughout everyday to be mastered. This is the secret key element in building a winning, attractive culture that produces growth, success and strength in any individual, group, team or organization. One certainty I stand behind is the inner strength of those I lead everyday here at InVision. My direct team alongside of their peers, practice our guiding principles and putting people first every minute of every day. This vastly shows in their personal results along with the everyday lives of those we support. They are the ones that deserve the recognition, credit and praise for what they consistently do for our people and each other daily.
"We put people first.”
Putting people first is not about emotions or selfish thought. You are unable to fake this guiding principle. Attempting to do so will end in failure and personal betrayal. Putting people first is about others before yourself. It is about common sense, critical thinking, logic and care for others beyond yourself. This requires true heart and an immense abundance of teamwork to master and result in proven success stories. Putting people first is the first step in establishing and maintaining a positive culture, success and an attractive pathway for others to follow or join. Putting people first allows a more people-centric feeling here at InVision Human Services. It is the corner stone for all guiding principles that has proven to be an important part of those we support, families, employees and overall organizational strength here at InVision that I am proud to speak on and represent.
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