For over fifteen years we have partnered with various groups in South Africa to provide essential support for youth with intellectual disabilities as well as those who have been impacted by HIV/AIDS, and most recently, COVID-19. Focused on the most vulnerable children and young adults, this program ensures they receive critical therapies, life skills, and emotional support.
Our partnership also supports life-saving training for caregivers as well as job-preparation and entrepreneurial skill development for young adults. With your help, we are strengthening intellectual disability services in South Africa through partnerships, collaboration, raising awareness, and identifying needs.
Support Western Cape Forum for Intellectual Disability (WCFID), which is a network of training and advocacy providers in the field of intellectual disabilities. InVision funds the training of non-institution based staff in the Cape Town area. WCFID is able to build capacity to support intellectual disabilities even in remote areas of South Africa through building skill and broadening knowledge.
Help provide school supplies and transportation to a young man that lives in Chance Children's Home so that he may continue to be able to attend a specialized school for those with intellectual and other disabilities. Previously, no education was available to him due to the country’s limited ability to educate children who experience disabilities.
Lastly, donations to InVision Foundation have allowed us to join with our newest partner, AspireYouth, in support of their mission to enhance youth empowerment through entrepreneurial career training and leadership development. Youth who participate in AspireYouth’s program grow through business training and coaching, earn from immediate access to income streams, innovate with fresh perspectives, and serve their communities by responding to social need.
Nearly all contributions to our Global Partnerships program were made by InVision employees, and every cent goes directly to our partners. As a result of the challenges and opportunities presented by the pandemic, our reach has gone even further. Global partnerships have grown from a small employee-only program to a much broader initiative that is seeking grants and donations from foundations/public.
Since 2006 InVision has participated as advisory board members with FICE-USA (International Federation of Educative Communities, formally “Fédération Internationale des Communautés Educatives”). Founded in 1948, their vision is a world where every child has access to; housing, food, healthcare, quality education, and InVision is embraced as a valued member of their society. In 2021 FICE-USA joined with The Association for Child and Youth Care Practice (ACYCP) to strengthen both organizations and allow for broadening of activities and memberships. Together, ACYCP-FICE USA aim to develop and improve the quality of services, supports, and options particularly for children with disabilities in the US and globally.