InVision Human Services | The InVisionary News & Views

The InVisionary

pa general assembly

The American Rescue Plan: How the Latest Federal Funding Can Benefit the ID/A Community

The American Rescue Plan: How the Latest Federal Funding Can Benefit the ID/A Community

The latest COVID recovery plan has been signed by the President. Unlike previous COVID-related bills, funding will be sent directly to the states. What does this mean for our industry? Read more


Here's an Idea: Make Hazard Pay Permanent

Here's an Idea: Make Hazard Pay Permanent

Governor Wolf's recommendation to utilize CARES ACT funding to raise frontline worker pay is only a temporary fix. Read more


If PA State Leaders Love Front Line Workers, Why Do They Pay Them Poverty Wages?

If PA State Leaders Love Front Line Workers, Why Do They Pay Them Poverty Wages?

It's refreshing to hear our elected leaders bringing attention to frontline heroes like DSPs, but more still needs to be done. Read more
