Celebrating 25 Years of Service

The InVisionary

Celebrating 25 Years of Service

Randy Dicks, InVision’s Director of Community Based Programs, reached an incredible professional achievement this past April as he celebrated his 25th anniversary with InVision. To help honor Randy and his dedication to InVision and the people we support, we took some time to talk with Randy one-on-one about his experience over the past 25 years, where he provided us with powerful insight and perspectives.
Having started with the company on April 16, 1999 (yes, he remembered the exact date!), Randy has not only grown as a working professional, but has also seen many changes and unparalleled growth within the human services industry and our organization.
What caught Randy’s attention about InVision was the philosophy and messaging we follow. Although originally applying for a part-time residential position, due to the smaller size of InVision, our needs at the time, and his previous experience, Randy ended up landing full-time, cross-departmental employment. Randy, human resources, and others across the organization worked together to create a schedule that accommodated the needs of Randy, InVision, and the people supported by InVision at the time.
At the beginning of his tenure, Randy’s tasks consisted of working with Community Supports and Employment Supports, providing job coaching for people supported, and billing assistance across varying hours of the day and night. All these years later, Randy is the Director of Community Based Programs; having a great appreciation and gratitude for how he got to where he is now.

Embracing Change

As time passes, change is inevitable. From the services delivered, funding for these services, and connections around the industry, Randy has experienced these changes first-hand.
“InVision has always been person-centered and customizing what we do to each person supported,” Randy shared. “I’ve seen the system slowly catch up to things we have done all along in some ways.”
Since Randy’s start as a team member of InVision, he noted that we have changed in numerous way – from the name of our organization, growth among our departments, and changes and additions to services we provide, to our updated philosophy and guiding principles and everything in between. Following the path of our previous tagline of “Whatever It Takes,” Randy says that he has seen InVision overcome countless challenges, and he is proud to be a part of an organization that always does whatever it takes.
“One of the things I have learned about us as a company is that we are resilient, and we respond,” Randy added. “We find ways to make things happen. At the same time, while we have experienced tremendous growth, the thing that is not sacrificed is the respect we have for the people we support and ensuring that what we are doing is for the people we support. I see that from all levels of the company, from all positions. We have the understanding that all our jobs have a purpose, and this is the purpose. It’s just one of the things I love about InVision!”

Broadening Our Reach

 In addition to his daily tasks as Director of Community Supports, Randy also acts as an ambassador for our organization; working to explore opportunities for conversations, sharing our philosophy, highlighting our stories, and creating a two-way street for human services communities to help each other.
Randy displays this through his active membership among various organizations within our coalition – including Pennsylvania Advocacy and Resources for Autism and intellectual Disability (PAR), the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR), and Marc Gold and Associates (MG&A) – who collectively advocate for and work toward the betterment of our industry for people who experience disabilities.
Last year, Randy and MG&A President, Therese Fimian, were asked to present at the IHD Evidence for Success Disability Conference – a two-day, Arizona-based conference designed to promote learning, growth and connection among the disability community. Topics discussed at the conference include assistive technology, employment, and innovative practices and approaches.
During their shared experience at the conference last year, Randy and Therese were not only presenters, but also attendees. While taking everything in as attendees on the first day of the conference, the pair spoke with a few others who shared that they had come to the conference specifically for the session they were hosting on customized employment. Customized employment focuses on who the person is and how we can create things that work best for that person – it is looking past the thought of changing the person, and instead looking to adjust things in their environment to create a successful workplace.
The presentation was well-received by those in attendance, so much so that Randy and Therese were asked to return this year for the upcoming conference in June – a request that Randy has described as an honor.
“All the stories I tell are InVision stories,” Randy said. “While I have these other branches, I am a part of the day-today work is with InVision. It is an incredible opportunity to share these stories, and the work we are doing on a much larger scale.”

Randy’s Legacy

The greatest lessons Randy has learned over his tenure and through his collective experiences working in human services is to never give up; to always keep going – a message he proudly shares with the people we serve along with his colleagues.
“Don’t ever give up; especially when you think you are facing a brick wall,” Randy stated. “There is always a way around, through, or over it. Deciding we have come to the end is the worst thing we can do. If each of us as staff members can see that ourselves, then the people we support can also see that. Never give up, keep going, and when things don’t go our way, we find another way.”
Thank you, Randy, from the bottom of our hearts. Your commitment to the people we support, the work we do, and having such positive outlook is so greatly appreciated. InVision is beyond grateful for all you have accomplished over the last 25 years, and we look forward to all you will bring in the future!

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