InVision Leaders Take Their Customized Employment Expertise Global

The InVisionary

InVision Leaders Take Their Customized Employment Expertise Global

For over two decades, Randy Dicks has been a steadfast advocate for customized employment for people with disabilities. As the Director of Community-Based Programs at InVision Human Services for many of those years, Randy has seen and contributed to the evolution of this field. His colleague, Marie Palmer, Program Manager within Employment Supports at InVision, brings a decade of experience in employment supports and a deeply personal connection to the work. Before joining InVision, Marie helped her father, a quadriplegic, find a customized solution to continue working, while serving as his primary caregiver. Together, Randy and Marie are now taking their expertise to the international stage through a collaboration with Marc Gold & Associates (MG&A)
In mid-October, Randy and Marie will begin co-instructing a series of live, virtual training sessions aimed at supporting employment services professionals in Australia. This partnership is a remarkable opportunity to expand the principles of customized employment across borders and highlights the global relevance of the work Randy, Marie, and MG&A are committed to. 

Customized Employment: From Pennsylvania to Australia 

The journey to this international training began when MG&A—a prominent organization specializing in employment for persons with significant disabilities—was approached about providing customized employment training in Australia. Given Randy and Marie’s expertise, it was a natural fit for them to help lead the project. As seasoned professionals who have dedicated their careers to supporting individuals with disabilities, they now have the chance to make an even broader global impact. 
InVision Human Services Customized Employment Abby Cooper, Therese Fimian, Marie Palmer, and Randy DicksAfter initial meetings to compare employment services between the U.S. and Australia, it became clear that certain adjustments would need to be made to tailor the content to fit Australia’s systems. As Randy describes it, the training materials had to be “Australianized,” meaning that certain slides and terminology were adapted for the local context. For instance, “customized employment” became “customised employment,” with subtle but important shifts in language and cultural nuances. 
Despite the challenges of coordinating across time zones and continents, the training sessions are set to begin on October 21st. Randy, Marie, and their co-trainers—Therese Fimian, President of MG&A, and Abby Cooper, MG&A Trainer —will deliver the sessions via Zoom, ensuring that both American and Australian teams can collaborate effectively. For Randy and Marie, it’s not just about teaching a curriculum; it’s about fostering global connections and ensuring that employment services for people with disabilities are inclusive and equitable, no matter where they are. 

A Model for Success with Customized Employment  

Customized Employment StatisticCustomized employment is at the core of this international training. But what exactly is it, and why is it gaining traction worldwide? 
Customized employment focuses on creating individualized work opportunities for people with disabilities. Rather than forcing individuals to adapt to existing job roles, it’s about creating a new job through understanding both the job seekers’ needs and desires and the employers' unmet needs. Then, through negotiation and matching, a new job is created that meets the needs of everyone. The equation must be balanced on both sides, though. 
Randy always says, “In customized employment, if it doesn’t work for everyone, it doesn’t work for anyone.” To work as a long term solution, customized employment must consider the person’s abilities, interests, and preferences, and match them with meaningful work opportunities that provide personal and professional fulfillment. 
This model is incredibly effective for several reasons: 
  • Person-Centered Approach: Customized employment starts with the individual. Instead of fitting a person into a pre-existing role, the job is created or adapted to meet their unique needs. 
  • Supports for Success: Comprehensive discovery profiles, like those used by InVision’s Employment Supports Program, outline a person’s goals and match them with opportunities that reflect both their interests and skillsets. These support plans ensure that job seekers are equipped with the necessary resources and accommodations to succeed in the workplace. 
  • Fostering Independence: Employment provides individuals with disabilities the chance to develop important on-the-job skills, such as time management, communication, and problem-solving. At InVision, we have seen firsthand how employment fosters independence and builds confidence among the people we support. In fact, InVision’s employment retention rate after one year is an impressive 80%, compared to the national average of 40%. 
Through this training with MG&A, Randy and Marie are teaching the Australian team the practicalities of developing customized employment opportunities. The training emphasizes the importance of building relationships with employers, understanding the capabilities of each job seeker, and creating environments where individuals with disabilities can thrive. 

Randy’s 25-Year Career in Customized Employment 

Randy Dicks celebrates his 25th work anniversary at InVision with cake and balloonsRandy’s journey in human services is remarkable. Celebrating 25 years at InVision Human Services this past April, Randy’s dedication has helped shape the organization’s philosophy on employment and support for individuals with disabilities. He has held various roles within the company, from providing direct support to leading a department that creates real-world employment opportunities for people with disabilities. 
What makes Randy’s approach to employment services stand out is his unwavering belief in the abilities of the people he supports. His experiences over the years have taught him that the key to success is resilience and adaptability. As he often says, "Never give up; especially when you think you are facing a brick wall. There is always a way around, through, or over it." 
That tenacity is part of what has made Randy such an effective leader. It’s also why he was a natural choice to help MG&A deliver this training in Australia. His expertise in customized employment has already had a significant impact in the U.S., and now, Randy will have the opportunity to influence employment services on a global level. 

The Future of Customized Employment 

As this training series in Australia begins, it’s clear that this is only the beginning of international opportunities for Randy, Marie, and MG&A. Already, Randy is in discussions with groups in Ireland and Sweden about similar collaborations. Ireland, in particular, is on track to move forward with its own customized employment training, where Randy will again bring his 25 years of experience to the forefront. 
What’s exciting about these international projects is the potential for cross-border learning. Every country has its own approach to employment services, but the principles of customized employment—tailoring jobs to fit the person—resonate universally. By sharing knowledge and best practices, professionals from different countries can learn from each other and improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities worldwide. 

The Importance of Customized Employment at InVision 

While Randy and Marie are extending their expertise to global projects, their work at InVision Human Services remains central to their mission. InVision’s Employment Supports Program helps individuals with disabilities build customized employment plans that align with their interests and skill sets. Through continuous evaluations, we ensure that each person is supported as they grow more confident and independent in their roles. 
Employment is a key driver of independence, and at InVision, we take pride in the success we’ve achieved in helping individuals find meaningful careers. As Randy, Marie, and the rest of the team continue to support individuals at home and abroad, InVision stays committed to being a leader in customized employment solutions

A Global Mission for Inclusion 

This collaboration between Randy, Marie, and MG&A represents a significant step in expanding the reach of customized employment. By bringing their expertise to Australia, they are helping to create a more inclusive workforce on a global scale. 
But at its core, this project is about more than just training—it’s about creating opportunities for individuals with disabilities to pursue fulfilling, meaningful work. Whether in Pennsylvania, Australia, or anywhere else, Randy and Marie are champions for the belief that everyone deserves a chance to succeed in the workplace
As InVision’s Employment Supports Program continues to innovate and grow, it’s inspiring to see the impact that our dedicated team members like Randy and Marie are making, not just in our local communities, but around the world. Their work is a testament to the power of perseverance, passion, and the belief that inclusion can and should be a global standard. Their dedication and experience remind us that meaningful change is possible—one job, one person, and now, one country at a time. 

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