Revamping UKG: Ready for a Change

The InVisionary

Revamping UKG: Ready for a Change

Over the past few months, a cross-department team of InVision staff from our Human Resources (HR), Finance, and Information Technology (IT) teams have been working together in exploration of a new Human Resources Information System (HRIS) for our organization. An HRIS is a powerful tool that helps companies streamline and automate essential HR tasks. These systems effectively manage employee data, facilitate self-services for employees, handle benefits administration, ensure accurate payroll processing, provide robust reporting and analytics capabilities, and simplify time and attendance management. 

We are excited to announce that InVision will be implementing a new HRIS in June of this year. While we currently use UKG Pro, InVision will be switching over to UKG Ready – a platform better matched for the needs of our organization.

Benefits for our Team Members

UKG Ready will help streamline processes through its information sharing capabilities within our HR, Finance, and IT departments. UKG Ready will also allow for our team members to take ownership over their personal documentation and other tasks completed through the platform, with less reliance on managers and supervisors. 

Additionally, UKG Ready provides a smoother user experience, and utilizes communication tools such as alerts and notifications for documentation that needs to be finalized or updated. Along with this, our team members will also benefit from an interface that is easier to navigate compared to that of UKG Pro – allowing for better search features and improved integration and engagement among staff of all positions. 

Facial Recognition for Residential DSPs 

With a tentative launch timing of June, InVision is also preparing for the roll out of a facial recognition system for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) to clock in and out of their scheduled blocks. This will be accomplished through time clock tablet devices that have recently been set up in each of our residential homes. These time clock tablet devices are programed to automatically scan faces when approached, using biometric login that reduces the time it takes to clock in. 

The use of biometric data on these devices has been a topic of discussion among our team members, so we want to take this time to share a bit more about how it works, as well as the organizational and individual benefits.

The facial recognition system uses data points to identify each staff member and does not take or compare photo images – no visual data will be stored anywhere. The way these devices work is similar to that of the newer iPhone and Android cell phones, as they unlock through facial recognition. Have you ever noticed how changes in appearance – such as wearing glasses vs. contacts, haircut and color, and facial hair – have no effect on your phone’s ability to recognize when you are unlocking the device? This is because they are designed to use these facial data points rather than comparing images. 

Biometrics also provide the following time clock benefits:
  • Convenience: Biometric login allows for a seamless user experience by eliminating the need to remember passwords, making the login process more convenient for users.
  • Security: Biometric identifiers such as fingerprints, facial features, or iris patterns are unique to each individual. This makes them potentially more secure than passwords which can be forgotten, stolen, or guessed. 
  • Resistance to Phishing: Biometric authentication can be resistant to phishing attacks because it requires physical presence of specific physiological traits that are difficult to replicate.
“We are thrilled to introduce the UKG Ready and the biometric systems to our organization,” Director, Property & Technology Services, Gary Boughamer, said. “The implementation of these changes will play a significant role in optimizing information-obtaining processes, enhance communication, encourage increased employee engagement, and offer a more seamless user experience for all InVision staff.”

While we work through the final touches and the launch of UKG Ready and the facial recognition platforms, stay tuned for more helpful information to be shared as we embrace this change to our organization!   


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